My Sun, My Moon

A BNHA fanzine on Sun/Moon Ships


Interest Check: Dec. 15 - Jan. 11
Mod Apps: Dec. 22 - Jan. 11
Mod Decisions Sent: Jan. 12
Contributor Apps - Jan. 18 - Feb. 15
Contributor Decisions Sent: Feb. 22
Deadline to Accept: Feb. 29

Creation Period
Idea Check-In - Mar. 7
Check-In 1 - Apr. 11
Check-In 2 - May 2
Final Pieces Due - May 30
Formatting Due - June 15

July 1 - July 30


What is a zine? - A zine, or fanzine, is a collection of fanworks, like fanfiction and fanart, that is independently produced, usually around a particular theme or fandom.

What is this zine? - This zine is an unofficial BNHA zine with a focus on ships with the sun/moon dynamic.

Will this zine be for profit or for charity? - This zine be for charity, meaning that any revenue made after production will go towards the chosen charity.

Will there be merch? If so, what kind? - Yes, we will have merch! As per the interest check, that will most likely include charms, mini prints, and stickers!

Will this zine be physical or digital? - We will have a physical zine with a PDF of the same contents.

How many people will be participating? - This will be partially determined by the interest check, and applications. We are aiming for around 20 artists and 4 writers.

What ships are you planning on including? - We plan on including a variety of ships, with some ranges in popularity, and this will depend on the interest check! So far, based on the results, ships that will definitely be featured include EraserMic, MiriTama, and ShinKami. Ships likely to be featured include KiriBaku, TodoDeku, and MomoJirou.

I would like to see this information on Tumblr. Do you have a Tumblr blog?
Our blog on tumblr can be found here, and it includes an FAQ page and a contributor application guideline page!

Contributor Application Guidelines

Page Artists - We will ask for a link to a portfolio, as well as links to at least 2, and up to 3, of your best or favorite pieces. Please include at least one piece with a finished background. At least one BNHA piece is preferred, but not required.

Merch Artists - We will ask for a link to a portfolio, as well as links to at least 2, and up to 3, of your best or favorite pieces. At least one BNHA piece is preferred, but not required.

Writers - We will ask for a link to a portfolio, as well as links to at least 2, and up to 3, of your best or favorite pieces. At least one BNHA piece involving one of the characters or ships you would like to write for is required.


NOTE: We accept application materials that are NSFW, but any such pieces should be marked as such. In addition, marking any applicable content warnings (for example, AO3'd archive warnings) is appreciated.

Applications Open Jan.13 - Feb. 15